Tuesday, August 21, 2007


The Ministry of War

is delighted
with the effect of the cluster bombs.

For years to come it is assured
civilians, humanitarians
and peace workers
will lose their limbs and lives -
the invention is ingenious
a fine tool for all wars to come

The Ministry for Spin and Persuasion

is delighted with the effect
of the latest campaign
word annihilation
passive word replacement
use of euphemism

the use of linguistics

to cause forgetfulness
use of insidious comfort words
is ingenious
a fine tool for diversion
and ultimate persuasion

The Ministry for Product and Corporation

is delighted with the effect
of the judicious placement of product
in corporate global mega stores

withdrawal of independent produce
by degrees is almost complete
(unnoticed by the populace)

The implementation and control
of the mega corporation product
by the Ministry is ingenious
a fine tool for ultimate aim
of corporate domination

The Ministry for Religion

is delighted
with the unprecedented growth
in global religiosity

all is proceeding well

and proving conducive
to the conducting of pre-emptive wars
at anytime we should desire it

The financial advantages
for our armament industry
are obvious and enormous
proving a fine tool
for convincing the masses
of our invincibility

The effect of the 'one god' principal
in containing, stifling debate and imagination
by strict adherence to the ancient scripts
is ingenious, plus the promotion
of anti-evolutionary propaganda
via Intelligent Design
now well into all educational facilities
will assure us
of the ongoing process
of stultifying human growth

coupled with the advantage
of preventing dissent

A natural by product of all the above
guarantees us the certainty
of maintaining perpetual war

The continual streaming
of blind faith and false hope
retards people beautifully
is ingenious
making clear to us
religion is the finest tool
for controlling the minds of the masses

The Ministry of Prisons

is delighted with the effect
of solitary isolation, drug control
and torture
in breaking minds
have been broken successfully
through various brilliant torture methods
and will trouble us no more

the situation has increased
the need for
institutions to house those
whose minds have disintegrated
and are subsequently
now completely dependent
on the state

they will trouble us no more
rebellion, talk of freedom and change
has been eliminated
not to forget the untiring efforts
of central intelligence activities world wide
who have been refining torture methods
for decades - ingenious
a fine tool become now
quite indispensable

The Ministry for Gratification

is delighted with the effect
of consumerism
diverting the masses
from interfering
in the all consuming work
of their government and corporations

this brilliant strategy
will allow those in power
to continue their work undetected
the use of consumerism being ingenious
a fine tool for desensitizing the masses
to events they would otherwise abhor

The Ministry for the Homeless & Refugees

is delighted to inform you
of the excellent solution via detainment
on various islands off the coast
containing these individuals
away from the eyes
of sympathisers is essential
and thanks go to those who came up with
the brilliant idea
a fine tool for the placement problem
of the homeless and of refugees
fleeing global warming and war.

The Ministry for the World's Food

is delighted to inform you
that genetic modification
of the world's food crops
is now complete

the Ministry is indebted
to the honourable
Monsanto Corporation and others
involved in similar controls
means we are poised
for complete domination
of world food crops and seeds

all this is due to the great work
in enforcing GM seeds
on farmers and gardeners word-wide
despite their extraordinary
and puzzling opposition.

A memo:
"the complete buy out
and destruction
of all small
traditional seed companies
is now complete
after many decades
of dedicated work"

The Ministry for Indigenous People

is delighted to inform you that
owing to deteriorating
health and birth outcomes
the death rate for the indigenous
is exceeding the birthrate
solving many problems

thanks go to the Ministers
who covertly promoted
petrol sniffing
diets of white sugar and flour
and those who closed down
indigenous collective organisations
and safely prevented ownership of their lands

these methods have been crucial
to the excellent outcome
and proved fine tools
for banishing the problem
of the growing indigenous population

The Ministry for Censorship & Burning of Books

is delighted to inform you
of the complete annihilation
of all 'out of the square' ideas
seditious, anarchic, subversive
rebellious propaganda via books

(except those called holy by the ignorant masses)
these books called sacred texts
have permitted us
beyond our wildest dreams
to manipulate large numbers
of people to our ends

all wars
division of peoples
and countries
suppression of women
(called in some texts -inferior unclean
in league with the devil)
are now able to be carried out
because of these
so called mythical creeds

the realisation
that we can assume control
through promoting these old texts
focussing particularly
on black and white
fundamentalist tracts
mind control is achievable
this is ingenious
and has proved a fine tool
to achieve our aims

when you have your masses
obeying one god
you have them
in the palm of your hand

The Ministry for Security

is delighted
at the successful implementation
of the national identity card

owing to the enduring efforts
of Ministers concerned
the entire population
is now under complete surveillance
we now know when
where and why they travel
where they live where they work
if they pay tax
their state of health
there is nothing the populace does
that we do not know of

ingenious the simplicity
the massive accruing
and merging of all data bases
a fine surveillance tool
for ultimate control.

The Minister for Unions

is delighted to announce
we are nearing the end
of the total disbandment of all unions
by orders of the government
and in collusion with corporation

certain elements
remain stubborn to their causes:
to their so called 'fair workplace'
and human rights ideology

the prohibition by government law
of the masses to forming union collectives
or indeed any collectives
particularly those using the description
'solidarity' & 'collective bargaining'
is ingenious

this fine tool and will allow us
complete control over workers
via corporations
once the final rabble remnants
have been eliminated

wages will be driven
to whatever corporation decides

The Minister for Official Denial of Global Warming

is delighted to inform you
we are winning the war of words
with some scientists willing to debunk
the global warming theory
(after lucrative reward)

we have made good inroads
and are confident oil and coal
will remain in place for decades to come

In the meantime, nuclear power
is being fast-tracked
despite strident opposition
which I am pleased to inform
has been put down successfully.

The Ministry of Ideas

is delighted with the effect
of the substance used
for dumbing down the population

the most subversive
and rebellious minds
have been silenced
this is truly a triumph of power
over the masses
the invention is ingenious
a fine indispensable tool
and properly thought out
will lead to supreme control



Told you
bloody well told you
flat-earth troglodytes
call your selves homosapiens

be gone

you were told
way back in the 60s:
greenies hippies lefties
activists ecologists biologists
told you 'bout melting poles
disappearing oil extinction of
flora & fauna global warming
we shouted in deaf ears
endured humiliation
still scathingly called

enough is enough
it's time to start the healing
with nature's own solutions

but first
there's a very real
malevolence to overcome
global warming deniers
pathetic little right-winger-whingers
clinging on like grim death
to their fascist ideologies
holding up the good work
with their aggressive
fundamentalist agendas

Australia's red necks
so very loud:
the Bolts' / the Windshuttles'
the Hendersons' / the Jones's
the McGuiness's / the Duffy's
the gutter-press 'shock-jocks'

not to forget bible-bashing
corporate christians
forgotten the message of Jesus
now they preach
'money & how to obtain it':

Hill Song Catch the Fire
Exclusive Bretherin Family First
Right To Life all filled with hate
for everyone 'out-of-the-norm'

we live in strange times
21st century 'creationists'
disguised under a new name
'intelligent design'
peddling their agendas
into every child's mind
obsessed with the ark
a brimstone god
a planet they proclaim
just 5 thousand years old -
to the human race

be gone bigot religionists
who think only of a 'rapture' fantasy
hard to believe this 'sickness'
mindless ones who can't wait
for the world to end
can't wait for 'evil' to descend
who crave the 'end-times'
who wait for a 'messiah'
to 'save them'
cretins who live only for the day
they leave earth ascend
to the 'rapture'

not a thought
for our feverish mother


instead they crucify good people:

unbelievers pagans
gays single mothers the poor
atheists activists
stem-cell therapists


you even murder doctors

take delight in slandering those
who worship in a godless way
this beautiful planet

be gone
rabid rightists
ignorant deniers
good riddance
go get yourself off to Mars
(or some other place in space)
you won't be missed
go fuck up some other planet

and while you're at it
take your nuclear solutions
with you
and your cluster bombs
(and all the other obscene way
you've found to commit murder)

be gone
while those with integrity
get on with healing
good people:
Friends of the Earth
Down to Earth
wilderness societies
artists, poets
and all the other
earth-sensitive souls
ready to begin
earth mother's wounds

we'll take the Sun
supreme nuclear engine
he or she
doesn't matter which
she'll do us fine
and we'll take and use
all the other free gifts
blessed by nature

Wind Sea Waves Solar

be gone
genetically modified
corporation evil-doers
you know who you are

and all you
misguided reprobates
so desperate for humans
not to have caused
global warming

you just don't get it
when will it dawn
on your tiny minds
it doesn't matter one jot
whether humans or nature
caused the warming
who bloody well cares


Pamela Sidney May 14th 2007