Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Told you
bloody well told you
flat-earth troglodytes
call your selves homosapiens

be gone

you were told
way back in the 60s:
greenies hippies lefties
activists ecologists biologists
told you 'bout melting poles
disappearing oil extinction of
flora & fauna global warming
we shouted in deaf ears
endured humiliation
still scathingly called

enough is enough
it's time to start the healing
with nature's own solutions

but first
there's a very real
malevolence to overcome
global warming deniers
pathetic little right-winger-whingers
clinging on like grim death
to their fascist ideologies
holding up the good work
with their aggressive
fundamentalist agendas

Australia's red necks
so very loud:
the Bolts' / the Windshuttles'
the Hendersons' / the Jones's
the McGuiness's / the Duffy's
the gutter-press 'shock-jocks'

not to forget bible-bashing
corporate christians
forgotten the message of Jesus
now they preach
'money & how to obtain it':

Hill Song Catch the Fire
Exclusive Bretherin Family First
Right To Life all filled with hate
for everyone 'out-of-the-norm'

we live in strange times
21st century 'creationists'
disguised under a new name
'intelligent design'
peddling their agendas
into every child's mind
obsessed with the ark
a brimstone god
a planet they proclaim
just 5 thousand years old -
to the human race

be gone bigot religionists
who think only of a 'rapture' fantasy
hard to believe this 'sickness'
mindless ones who can't wait
for the world to end
can't wait for 'evil' to descend
who crave the 'end-times'
who wait for a 'messiah'
to 'save them'
cretins who live only for the day
they leave earth ascend
to the 'rapture'

not a thought
for our feverish mother


instead they crucify good people:

unbelievers pagans
gays single mothers the poor
atheists activists
stem-cell therapists


you even murder doctors

take delight in slandering those
who worship in a godless way
this beautiful planet

be gone
rabid rightists
ignorant deniers
good riddance
go get yourself off to Mars
(or some other place in space)
you won't be missed
go fuck up some other planet

and while you're at it
take your nuclear solutions
with you
and your cluster bombs
(and all the other obscene way
you've found to commit murder)

be gone
while those with integrity
get on with healing
good people:
Friends of the Earth
Down to Earth
wilderness societies
artists, poets
and all the other
earth-sensitive souls
ready to begin
earth mother's wounds

we'll take the Sun
supreme nuclear engine
he or she
doesn't matter which
she'll do us fine
and we'll take and use
all the other free gifts
blessed by nature

Wind Sea Waves Solar

be gone
genetically modified
corporation evil-doers
you know who you are

and all you
misguided reprobates
so desperate for humans
not to have caused
global warming

you just don't get it
when will it dawn
on your tiny minds
it doesn't matter one jot
whether humans or nature
caused the warming
who bloody well cares


Pamela Sidney May 14th 2007